Management of Angular Cheilitis in Elderly Patients
angular cheilitis, elderly patient, human and healthAbstract
Angular cheilitis is a common variant of candidal infection affecting the elderly population. Angular cheilitis is an inflammatory lesion characterized by erythema, ulceration, and crusting at the corners of the mouth that begins at the junctional mucocutaneous and extends to the skin surface. Angular cheilitis occurs not only due to candidiasis but also due to reduced occlusal vertical dimensions or due to nutritional deficiencies, such as vitamin B or iron deficiency. The causes of Angular cheilitis are multifactorial of local and systemic etiology. To know the management of Angular cheilitis in elderly patient. Angular cheilitis in elderly patient with decrease of vertical dimension can be treated by local therapy. But eldery patient with multiple underlying systemic and local factors need interdisciplinary management because the symptoms will only reoccur if local factors or systemic factors are not managed.
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