Organeleptic Test for Fortified Packaging Milk by Utilizing Calcium from Egg Shell Waste


  • Chandra Halim Islamic State School 01 Bener Meriah, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Fadli Islamic State School 01 Bener Meriah, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
  • Dicki Darmawan Islamic State School 01 Bener Meriah, Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh Province, Indonesia
  • Dwinta Nurul Fadillah Bintang Senior High School 01 Simpang Kiri, Subulussalam City, Aceh Province, Indonesia
  • Farhan Rahmadani Senior High School 01 Simpang Kiri, Subulussalam City, Aceh Province, Indonesia



Calcium, Egg shell waste, Fortified milk, non parametric statistic, packaging milk


In terms of national needs, the necessity for eggs reached 4,742,240 tons employing massive impact on the production of egg shell waste. Nevertheless, packaging  milk released in the market contains low calcium and unsatisfies the nutritional needs of adult calcium, namely 1000 mg/day. Therefore, it is necessary to add waste of calcium-rich egg shells so the nutritional needs of calcium can be fulfilled and reduces the egg shell waste  at  the  same  time. The research method used is combination of experimental methods, interviews, and literature study. The data is analyzed by using descriptive statistics and non-parametric statistical tests to draw conclusions. Based on the data obtained, the best variation is the milk control with a total value of 580 points, 33 points different from 2:1 variation. The giving of egg shell waste reduces the milk aroma which is preferable for people who dislike its aroma. Through non-parametric statistical tests, it was investigated that there was no significant difference in adding egg shell flour to make fortified milk except for egg shell control. Therefore, egg shell flour can be used as additional material to enrich the calcium, to reduce the milk aroma and the amount of organic waste in Indonesia.


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