Pemanfaatan Limbah Plastik Kemasan Makanan Ringan Sebagai Material Komposit Panel Akustik

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Chandra Halim
Dodi Afandi
Nia Sastri Candra Maharaja


Waste is still problem worsening the environmental conditions of society in Indonesia especially plastic. Plastic is waste that requires long decomposition time to vanish and well treatment to perform. Meanwhile, sound pollution is type of pollution produced by machines, and transportation which frequently places in urban area. One way to solve these problems is sound absorber material by utilizing plastic waste. This research aims to determine the effect of plastic waste packaging as an absorbing composite material and investigate the best variation of plastic waste and tapioca flour to obtain the right variation as the best acoustic material. The research methods are literature study, observation and experimental. Variations used in this research are different size of waste pieces length 0.5 cm, 1 cm and 1,5 cm and control flour and tested at sound frequencies 400 Hz-1200 Hz.  Based on data obtained, all variations perform well in frequency 400 and 600 Hz. For 800, 1000 and 1200 Hz, there are mines coefficient that informs the increasing of sound intensity level instead of reducing noises. On the other hand, for 1 cm x 1 cm and 1,5 cm x 1,5 cm size, the sound cannot propagate easily through the sample since there are big plastic waste which absorbs the sound. By applying the regression linear into 1 cm x 1 cm, the equation obtained y = -3,258 ln (x) + 22,163 with coefficient determination (R2) = 0,6304. As the lower gradient indicates the higher absorption of noise. Therefore, plastic snack packaging food waste can be one of the material composite by applying 1 cm x 1 cm around of frequency 400 and 600 Hz.

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